Bare Baking Necessities

30 Mar

I thought I would take some time this week to discuss some baking must-haves: tools, cookware and appliances. While I am a baking enthusiast–obviously–I am a student on a budget and I only buy the things that I really need. I this post, I’ll let you in on my favorite baking necessities that won’t break the bank.

First up, baking sheet.

Really, you only need one all-purpose baking sheet. The baking sheet that I currently use is actually a non-stick pizza baking sheet, and it works just fine. That being said, make sure you buy a baking sheet that is big enough for all your potential baking needs, is non-stick, and a light color. Non-stick baking sheets usually come in light and dark, but dark colored sheets tend to over-cook your baked goods. When in doubt, go light.

My all-purpose baking sheet

Next, muffin pan

If you want to bake muffins, cupcakes or both, then a muffin pan is a must! You can buy these pans in the mini or regular variety–I personally like the regular sized pans. Muffin pans usually come in varieties of 6, 8, 10 or even 12 muffins to a pan. Again, I always go for the non-stick pans. Even though you’ll be putting cupcake liners in your pan, if the batter spills over, non-stick makes for easy clean up.

Everyone needs a good spatula

Spatulas are great for mixing, especially if your recipe calls for folding a mixture instead of using a beater. Silicone spatulas are also ideal for scraping your batter our of a bowl. The batter doesn’t stick to the spatula so it’s easy to scoop it into the pan. Best of all, spatulas come in all different colors, so you can coordinate with your kitchen decor.  Williams Sonoma has a great selection of colored spatulas.

A mixer will be your best friend

A mixer will make your baking life so easy and simple. It makes beating the ingredients into your batter a breeze and it makes sure that your batter is smooth and never lumpy! You can pick up a basic mixer at your local Target, but if you can splurge, I recommend that you get a KitchenAid mixer. (I don’t have one myself, but it is on my wishlist!)

(image taken from Google)

Find the perfect fit with the perfect mixing bowl

Lastly, you’ll need a mixing bowl. My preference is a glass mixing bowl. It’s sturdy, they come in a variety of sizes, and you can use it as a double boiler when you’re melting chocolate (a post on this to come soon!) If you’re feeling generous to yourself, you can pick up a fancy mixing bowl at Williams Sonoma, or you can head over to Target to get your bowl, along with your mixer.

Next post to follow….basic baking ingredients to always keep in your pantry.

I hope this necessities guide has inspired you to get your baking tools and get started! Remember–it’s a cake walk!

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